Sierra Bonita Elementary PTA

want to make our teacher's wishes come true... 

Here is how you can help!

1. Click on your child's/children's teacher's star below. 

2. Using your SignUp Genius account, log in to see the teacher's wishlist. 

3. Sign up for one or more items to donate. 

4. Bring the donations to the teacher by Wed, December 21st

The wishlist is a list of supplies that will benefit their classroom this school year.
Some teachers have provided a website where you can purchase the item.
Copy and paste the website in a browser to view the item.

After viewing your child's teacher wishlist, make sure you scroll down to the "Additional Teachers & Staff" section to sign up for their wishlist. We can't do school without them!

Thank you so much for your generous support!

Sierra Bonita Elementary PTA WISH UPON A STAR
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